Ophi's June Newletter

Or a small ramble about fanzines

June Monthly Newsletter

PS: Read to the end for bad day advice.

Fanzines and Group Work

I get asked a lot of questions about the fanzines and other projects I take part in - mostly “why so many” but sometimes “how”. ‘There are worms in my brain’ is the answer to the former; the latter needs a few more words.

Fanzines and other group projects are a wonderful chance to meet artists and join fan communities. If you’ve been looking to get into the fanzine sphere, the first thing you need to do is find a project you’re interested in - the more brainworms you have the better. There is always an astounding number of projects going on, although I don’t recommend trying to moderate a project yourself until you’ve had plenty of experience as a contributor.

The best time to encounter interesting projects is in their ‘interest check’ phase. You can find them in discord servers, Twitter repost accounts, and a couple regularly updated databases. If the project gains enough traction, it will move into its ‘contributor application’ phase. At that point you can send in your portfolio pieces via Google Forms and cross your fingers. If you are selected by the moderators during this phase then congratulations! Welcome to the insanely addictive Zine Grind ™️. May God help you.

Anyway, here’s my contributor preview for Deadly Alliance: a Baldur’s Gate 3 Zine. The project even has a NSFW side to it for all you Tiefling enjoyers.

speaking of brainworms

Deranged Pride Month Fundraiser

I hope everyone had a wonderful pride month with as much gay stuff in it as desired. During the first week of pride, some streamers and I held a Very Normal fundraiser on my stream for a trans friend’s gender-affirming surgery costs. Incredibly, we reached our goal and wish streamer TheFiddlerToad a successful surgery and recovery in the coming weeks!

To raise money, for five days in a row we read infamous Harry Potter fanfiction My Immortal - the one with Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Each day I was accompanied by a different streamer as I felt my grip on both reality and the English language slip away. Disgraced author J. K. Rowling be damned, my boy Harry Vampire can pay for top surgery. A video compilation of the reading is coming soon, but until then here is a “summary” of the story each day (courtesy of Weird_Larara).

Sorry for the language. Kind of. This is the best we could do really.

Special thank you to Weird_Larara, Kowetas, KitangelArts, Halalfred, and TheFiddlerToad for coming onto the stream and putting your dignity on the line.

New Gaming Video Up

Whenever I get some free time and motivation, I edit some of my gaming streams. The maths say I upload once every two months, so it’s safe to say that my free time has been pretty low. Regardless, if you’re interested in seeing me date some handsome pigeons for an absurdly long period of time, here’s a playlist.

Me and the boys. My cat is seething.

Calamity Ganon Tapestry Update

I can’t believe it’s been over a year of working on this now. Here’s a timelapse of what I got done in the past month, and here is what is finished of the final piece. While I'm stitching it feels like absolutely no progress is being made, so seeing an update every month is surprisingly motivational.

White is the finished part. Don’t worry about it.

My Best Art of the Month

I’m very proud of this piece I made for the Nokia Art Jam 2 on itch. This wasn’t my most popular piece though. That was this one that got weird on Twitter.

my mom had one (1) game on her phone

Community Shout-out

This month, pantouffles was given a special mention at the Drawing of the Year Awards in London. We are all so proud of her and wish her many more successes in the future. Check out her work here!

Thanks so much for reading to the end!